The State Labour Institute, Odisha is a premier institute and an autonomous body of Labour & ESI Department, Govt. of Odisha created vide Labour & Employment Department, Government of Orissa Resolution No.4331 LE dated 14.04.1993, started functioning from 1st May, 1993. The Institute was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Odisha Biju Pattanayak. In the occasion, Sri P.A. Sangma, Union Minister of Labour, Sri Pawan Singh Ghatwar, Union Deputy Minister for Labour, Sri Krishna Murty Hooda, Minister of Labour Haryana, Sri Dileswar Tanti, Minister of Labour, Assam and Sri Prafulla Kumar Samal , Minister of State, Labour & Employment, Govt. of Orissa were present. It is incorporated to meet the long felt need and desire for promoting professional activities in the field of labour including training, orientation, research, publication and information services, studies, development of manpower, Management Information System etc. The Institute is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 in the year 1995.